So it turns out I am a terrible blogger. 5 months since my last entry? Terrible. And I can sit here and say I'll get better, but let's be serious... that hasn't happened so far. So, until it does I'll just continue and let the bloggys come as they do.
So, five months in a paragraph or so? Let's give it a shot...
Completed a theater set for a friend from college for the play The Importance of Being Earnest with a friend from work. What a blast! A sitting room set and a garden set both on one stage split by a wall on wheels. Had lots of help from the crew kids and Mikey and Kristen too.
I also just finished a backdrop for the production the school put on this spring, Les Miserables. Was not as pleased with this piece as the last. A backdrop of a Parisian cityscape, 34ft x 8ft in 3 weeks in a 3ft wide alley-way space on stage while the kids are acting = not ideal. However, I'd do another piece for them in a second.
Besides that, I bought a Mac and I love it. I'm applying to Disney for an internship and am just working on finishing up my portfolio before they start posting the positions. Am working on two tattoo designs and a logo design for friends, and am still working on Stephs mural, which is going along pretty well (when I actually get the time to go over and work on it at least).
New things on my list of projects: re-do my studio space... or at least clean it out. I'd love some new lighting, and to get organized since its such a small space. I need a table to set my palette on instead of keeping it on my drafting table, because I would love to actually use that for, ya know... drawing. And I NEED to take photos of all my paintings so I can figure out which ones I want to sell and which to keep.
I also need to finish these designs for my friends because once they're done, I'll have more time to work on my own pieces for shows and other things! So... blog logo for Joe, angel tattoo for Jen, cross tattoo for Matt. Plus, editing my portfolio for Disney. And maybe submitting a design or two to threadless for some possible T-shirt publication. Oh yea... and a children's book. I've developed a concept for a series of children's book directed toward kids around 7-10yrs old about different cities around the world.
Lately I've been very into cooking, which my boyfriend seems to like. I made him prosciutto and parmesan rolled chicken last night, which seemed to be a hit. Maybe I should start painting food? Food and shoes? Food, shoes, and italy? ::brainstutter::
I guess that's it? My biggest goal lately is the Disney internship. And the children's book, too.